Before the pandemic, on weekdays I woke up at around 6AM, got dressed, and got on a train to go to work in Dublin to be at my desk for about 9. Then the pandemic hit, and my routine started off as waking up around 6AM, going for a 5K run, and being at my desk for before 8, where I got a good hour of work done before being obnoxiously bright and cheery online with all my colleagues. Over time, that mutated into falling out of bed between 7 and 7:30 and going to work, sometimes with a shower beforehand.

In all variants of that routine, the first meal I had was usually lunch, and it was usually a fairly large lunch. I am not, and never have been, a breakfast person.

That has to change. I have to take metformin in the morning, and that has to be taken with food. Also, large meals cause blood glucose spikes, and I want to avoid those.

So my new routine looks like this now. I wake up between 6:30 and 7:30. I have a diabetic appropriate breakfast; I’m still settling on what that should be, but my preferred breakfast of toast with half a jar of raspberry jam per slice is probably not going to be sensible. I take the metformin, and I make sure my evening dose of metformin is in the pill case that I have attached to my key chain, in case I have my evening meal when I am away from home.

That’s right. I have a pill case attached to my key chain. I am an organised diabetic.

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